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Running Club Guidelines

Mad Hatters Running Club

Medicine Hat, Alberta

''We are runners; our goal is to foster a mutually supportive network of relationships upon which those who pursue a running lifestyle can depend, thereby promoting happiness in the individual and nurturing a sense of community amongst runners regardless of their running goals. In short, to run, to have fun, to be running friends, to proudly represent our club in running events and ably assist local projects supporting active lifestyles."

  1. We are a non-profit society incorporated under the laws of Alberta.
  2. The stated aims of the Club are:
    • To promote and support physically active life styles
    • To promote and support local urban trail and walkway development
    • To promote and support the City as a racing & Running destination

  3. The Club's founding runners abhor bureaucracy but recognize that some practical standards are required to achieve and maintain our stated philosoph y as well as to permit orderly growth and friendly activity. The Club's directors and members are at all times encouraged to steward towards consensus and to avoid "rule making" wherever possible. The spirit of harmony within the club is paramount.
  4. We are not affiliated with any commercial, political or other organizations but do seek and accept sponsorship.
  5. There are no paid positions within our organization but we do pay for authorized services required in meeting member's objectives.
  6. The " club" operates under the direction of its full members and this direction is enabled through the club board of directors or officers who the members elect annually to perform specific functions. Chief amongst these functions is the responsibility for official record keeping.
  7. The Club's yearly activities and issues will be decided upon at the Annual General Meeting held no later than March 31st of each year.
  8. The board of directors, to decide minor issues may call an ad hoc meeting whenever a quorum is present.
  9. The Board represents the club in all external matters unless otherwise specified in a quorum.
  10. The Board will consist of at minimum a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and Two Directors. A non-elected member-at-large will further represent runners viewpoints to the board.
  11.  Any runner holding full membership status may be an officer or director and stand for these positions at the annual general meeting.
  12. The directors or officers to serve club short-term goals as mandated by a quorum of members may from time to time strike ad hoc committees composed of member volunteers.
  13. A quorum is considered 70 % of all full memberships but no less than twelve members.
  14. All issues will beconsidered passed with 75% of a quorum voting for it.
  15. Only full members may vote on Club issues.
  16. Proxy votes are permitted by runners with advance notice to the board and are only good for 60 days. I.E. the individual is out of the country or temporarily unavailable.
  17. Full members are encouraged to maintain an active running schedule during the formal running season April - September unless injured or otherwise indi sposed.
  18. All runners are asked to annually volunteer 8 hours of service towards Club supported projects.
  19. All runners are requested to patronize our sponsors wherever possible.
  20. Levels of membership:
    • Full membership - Entitled to fully participate in all club activities and vote on all Club issues if dues are current and is actively running unless temporary illness or injury precludes thi s.
    • Student membership - Entitled to fully participate in all club activities, as above with the following prohibitions, attendance at Social events must be age appropriate.
    • Associate membership - Entitled to participate in all club non-athletic activities.
    • Sponsor membership - Entitled to attend club "events" and to specific advertising or other rights defined by individual contract.
    • Honorary memberships - Bestowed annually at the general meeting by recommendation of the board to the members for contributions or some distinctive promotion of running.
    • Lifetime membership - For a members outstanding contribution to the Club and or the running community as recommended by the Society Board and presented at an annual general meeting. The individual's dues are waived for remainder of their running career.

  21. All members are required to pay dues. A fee schedule will be established each year at the Annual General Meeting. This schedule shall take into consideration all life situations and will be structured so as to not impose hardship or construct barriers to membership. Dues may be waived or reduced upon application in confidence to the board for reason of financial hardship. No refunds will be given once paid.
  22.  Not withstanding the above, if normal disagreement amongst members arises such that it impacts Club activities and overall membership happiness, then the board or those in disagreement may request that a special general meeting be held to resolve the matter.
  23. Any club member may withdraw from the club at any time. Non-payment of dues, inactive running status and non-communication are considered the same as withdrawal.
  24.  A runner may have their membership temporally suspended for alleged violation of club rules or conduct generally unbecoming to a civilized running society by the Club Directors. This suspension may not be longer than 60 days during which time an investigation of the allegations will be conducted by the board who will recommend to the membership whether to reinstate or revoke the runners membership
  25. No individual or group shall inherit the right to the Club's name or property of any type should membership fall below the numbers required under the Society's Act. In that event, the remaining members at the next Annual General Meeting are directed to suspend the club and if after one year this unhappy situation continues, then to dissolve the Club in a manner as prescribed by law.
  26. The board shall define the duties and responsibilities of the club officers above and beyond that required by the societies act.
  27. All official club documents will bemaintained by the officers of the club and are open  to inspection by the membership at the annual general meeting, by appointment or at a regularly held Directors meeting.
  28. Any member may, and is invited to, recommend changes to the club operating rules. The decision whether to incorporate these changes will be decided at a quorum of club members.
  29. When in disagreement with the Club's incorporation documents the "legal Rules" will prevail over the "Operating Rules".


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